Toujours Advanced Fruit Extracts with Collagen Drink Trial Pack (4 Sachets)

Regular price
RM 29.90
Sale price
RM 29.90
Regular price
RM 0.00

Toujours Advanced Fruit Extracts and Collagen Drink is one of the best premium collagen products in the market and very well-known for its efficiency. Many users have reported getting results as early as a few days of consumption. The user-friendly and ready-to-drink concept has made it the most convenient collagen drink. It is a supplementary collagen drink for beauty and health. It has been further fortified with the additional benefits and nutrition of fruit extracts and super food.



Important Notes / Storage:

Contains 4 sachets in one box

Store at temperatures below 30'c

This product should not be exposed to direct sunlight.




Yes, it is safe to consume as Toujours Advanced Extract Collagen is sourced from natural ingredients. It has no added harmful chemicals or controlled substances and is not classified as medicine or supplement. Therefore, it falls under the FOOD CATEGORY.